Any time you experience sore feet or pain, you should consider
seeing a podiatrist. Please call to schedule an appointment if
you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed on this page.

Persistent pain in your feet, ankles, or heels

Shin, knee, or low back pain

Burning feet

A noticeable change in your nails or skin

Your feet are severely cracking, scaling, or peeling

Blisters on your feet

Signs of bacterial infection such as increased pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, or heat

Discharge of pus

Your toenail is getting thicker and causing you discomfort

You have diabetes or other diseases associated with poor circulation and you develop athlete’s foot

Note: The information provided in this web site is not intended to be a substitute for
medical examination, diagnosis or treatment. The material is provided for information
purposes alone.

Site by ExpertMontreal